Often, patients don’t put a lot of thought into the actual operation of their dentist’s office. They expect to see somebody at the front desk – whether an office manager or someone you also see helping chairside – as well as, that person who assists the dentist. And, of course, the dentist! Sometimes you might see a hygienist…someone who’s not the dentist, but does procedures separate from those performed by the dental assistants. But, this particular member of the team, may not always be around the office, or could not even be a part of the practice clinical staff. Wonder why? This is a major decision many dental practice owners usually face…Either/Or: The Dentist Hygienist Crossroad!
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We often hear the phrase, “Don’t sweat the small stuff” as a means to give perspective on life. And, in many instances this can be sage advice. After all, we can focus SO heavily on the daily minutia of life we completely lose sight of the “big picture” – whether in our careers, personal life or relationships. Those “nit-picky” little things threaten to overwhelm us or cause us to just give up completely! Which brings us back to our original adage…with one, HUGE, caveat!
How many times have you walked into a professional’s office and casually glanced at all of the diplomas and certificates and “notices” on the walls? Have you ever really LOOKED at them, actually EXAMINED them, read them in their ENTIREITY? Yeah…not many of us do. They’re sort of like scrolling through all that legalese when you install an app or software. Honestly, just seeing “documentation” on the walls is usually enough for most people. We simply assume our doctor or lawyer or dentist is “legit” and knows what they’re doing. But…what if they’re NOT?!? How would you even KNOW?!?
Summer offers an almost-unlimited number of picture-perfect photo opportunities. Heck we even have TWO specialty days this month devoted exclusively to capturing those special moments – first, we had #NationalSelfieDay, then finish up June with #WorldCameraDay! And considering most people now walk around with high-tech digital cameras in their pockets, snapping those Insta-worthy shots is quick and easy….and has become an automatic action for so many people. Yet, that simple action – over in a few seconds – for medical professionals can open a can of worms it may take YEARS to clean up! READ MORE…
Sadly, one of the major casualties of the pandemic lockdown, was small business…ESPECIALLY privately-owned dental offices. Even some of the “corporate” practices took a BIG hit, and many still feel the crunch. Between worker shortages, patient reluctance to return to ANY medical setting, economic hardships and downturns, not to mention a steep decrease in retail environment traffic, everybody is taking a hit. BUT…the ones who are NOW paying the price, are patients, thanks a a SEVERE shortage of dentists for Medicaid-eligible patients in Texas! READ MORE…
If you have ever planned an event, traveled with a tour package or eaten at an upscale – possibly abroad – restaurant, you’ve encountered the inevitable “prix fixe” or “a la carte” menu options. The first, a fixed-price selection which includes several choices within each course, is all available within the set cost. However, if you want to deviate from those pre-determined menu items, you’re squarely into a la carte territory…with the accompanying, variable, price tag. Have you ever wondered why…and did you know this happens throughout a variety of businesses, professions and industries?!?
As time goes by, it feels like the years keep getting shorter and shorter…and, just like that for many parents and caregivers, it’s once again time for all the back-to-school preparations. So, yes, it may seem hard to believe the kiddos will be heading back to school – whether their first trip to Kindergarten, or their next year of college – in just a few short weeks. But, like it or not, and even though it certainly FEELS like summer will never end, NOW is the time to get busy on that back-to-school “To-Do” list…including those important health check-ups!
If you think about it, chances are we’ve ALL had something “custom” in our lives…and probably more than once! Have you ever ordered something from Starbucks that wasn’t EXACTLY as it comes standard, or have an article of clothing tailored to fit? Have you ever painted a wall, remodeled a room or changed out cabinets? Did you have any eyewear “custom-fitted” for your specific vision needs? See…custom! Sure, “off-the-rack” may be fine for the majority of things in your life. But, other needs or preferences call for CUSTOM!
We decided to periodically address some common dental “Frequently Asked Questions” (FAQs)…or, for most patients, frequently UNASKED questions due to a hesitancy to actually speak-up while in the dental chair. Let’s face it, all of that technical terminology ensconced in an equipment-filled room and supervised by folks in lab coats and PPE, can be downright intimidating!
While we hear about women like Marie Curie – and a handful of others, almost exclusively during #WomensHistoryMonth – the evolution of their place in MANY professional and scientific fields largely goes unnoticed, or is simply not taught. With that in mind, March seemed like a good time to provide an EXTREMELY brief overview of the role women have – and currently DO – play in the Dental profession.