This weekend not only marks a rather austere remembrance of the military sacrifices for Memorial Day, but on the polar opposite hand it also heralds the “unofficial” beginning of the summer season. The school days dwindle down to a precious few for those still in session, and endless days of summer camps, vacation plans, family gatherings, adventures with friends and magical twilights, stretch before us. BUT…while students may be out of school, it could be time for YOU to think about going “back-to-school!” Say WHAT?!? No, we’re not looking THAT far down the proverbial road, but instead thinking about protecting your credentials!

With the whirlwind of activity that summertime frequently brings, it can be easy to take a “mental vacation” from the nuts-and-bolts minutia of running a practice. And one of the first things that can quickly fall through the cracks – mostly because it’s not a part of your daily routine – is those pesky certification renewals…and there are A LOT. So now might be a good time to do a quick review for the entire team, because those fines and penalties can add up to some MAJOR headaches and financial repercussions.

Obviously, basic license renewals should be at the top of that list. Be sure to submit renewals for dentists, dental assistants, hygienists and lab technicians EARLY! We all know the bureaucratic wheels can turn exceedingly slowly…and, yes, proof of submission (make sure you print online acknowledgements) can spare you the fines and restrictions. But – and this is a BIG ONE – you and your business are now on the state board inspectors’ radar!

Now, those “other” certifications and trainings can be a bit trickier since they ALL have different periods of duration and evolving requirements for renewal. We’ve put together a quick checklist of all those mandatory trainings for you and your staff:

  • HIPAA Required Training

  • OSHA Required Training

  • CDC Infection Control Required Training

  • Sexual Harassment Training

  • Texas Radiation Safety Training

  • Controlled Substances Training

  • Medicaid Fraud, Waste & Abuse Training

  • First Aid Required Training

  • CPR Required Training

Quite a laundry list – and this doesn’t even include the mandatory continuing education credits needed for license renewals! A bit overwhelming, isn’t it?!? But, at least you’ve got a good starting point to start scheduling those team trainings. And the summer season offers a good time for lunch-and-learn sessions, to make these requirements a little more “palatable” and ensure your staff is all on the same compliance page. Fortunately, our WellDent Compliance professionals can help you with these requirements and get you on a regular, recurring schedule. So, although schools may be out for the summer, maybe you and your team should consider heading “back-to-school” NOW!
