We often hear the phrase, “Don’t sweat the small stuff” as a means to give perspective on life. And, in many instances this can be sage advice. After all, we can focus SO heavily on the daily minutia of life we completely lose sight of the “big picture” – whether in our careers, personal life or relationships. Those “nit-picky” little things threaten to overwhelm us or cause us to just give up completely! Which brings us back to our original adage…with one, HUGE, caveat!
So, to fall down another cliché black hole, we ALSO remember that proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back or, as an alternate analogy, death by a thousand cuts. Face it, that “small stuff” washing over you like a tsunami can ALSO drown us. A tidal wave starts with just a single drop of water! And business regulations might be the BEST real-world examples of these metaphors.
As seasoned dental compliance experts, we’ve seen practices financially drown in the torrent of “minor” infractions that open the floodgate to a parade of inspections across over a DOZEN regulatory agencies! Once a dentist – or their practice(s) – have shown up the radar of ONE oversight entity, suddenly they’re getting heightened attention from a whole litany of others. And, ironically, any one of these “little things” would be considered an insignificant violation in the overall dental care picture!
Honestly, the sheer volume of regulatory “small stuff” buried within volumes of multiple agency rules, standards, policies, best practices, and the euphemistically-named “guidelines” truly boggles the mind. And, of course, EACH carries the requisite financial penalties AND increased “oversight” from the governing body!
Yes…all for the “small stuff,” which can end up being a BIG DEAL for you and your livelihood. For instance, failure to post – in the RIGHT place, in the RIGHT size, in the RIGHT format – required compliance, certification, inspection or reporting notifications can bring some hefty fines. And, even worse, NOW you are have “pinged” the radar of that agency…and those OTHER agencies with which it may work cooperatively! YIKES!!!
Although you may not have knowingly violated one of these professional codicils, here’s where ANOTHER saying comes into play: “Ignorance of the law is no excuse.” Even state dental boards know this; that’s why they require you to have a designated Compliance Officer! And it’s a full-time job to keep up with the latest rulings and code additions, as well as be knowledgeable in all of those clauses, sub-sections and definitions…AND to make sure you have complied with ALL of them.
Of course, many practices choose the smarter route by hiring a compliance consultant – yes, like WellDent Compliance – to shoulder that responsibility. Others choose to handle those duties internally with a staff member dedicated almost exclusively to this job description. Then, there are those who simply cross their fingers and hope for the best…NOT the recommended course of action, because someone WILL eventually come for a “routine rotation” inspection!
But, regardless of your particular approach to compliance, remember one more adage: “God is in the details” and under these regulatory circumstances, DO sweat the “small stuff” because it only takes a tiny crack, tapped in the right place, to bring everything crumbling down around you!